How to Choose a College Major
It’s one of the questions that we often dread. “So, what are you going to major in college?” The question can be hard to answer if we feel overwhelmed by all the choices or we have no idea what we want to do.
Whether you are still in high school, or already in college here are some ideas about how to decide what to major in:
Why I Have Devoted My Life to This Work
Have you ever worked so hard to reach a certain place in your career, but you’re still not happy?
That is how I felt when I worked for the Los Angeles Times, one of the largest newspapers in the country. I was a freelance photographer. I had my Masters degree in fine arts photography, so this should have been my dream career. And yet I felt like there was something missing.
Waiting for Permission? I’ll be your Career Cheerleader
Are you waiting? Do you believe there is some sign that will allow you to take that leap to the career you are longing for? Do you believe that when a particular circumstance is achieved then you can move forward? If so, then you waiting for permission.
Biggest obstacle to your dream career? The Voice in Your Head
That’s impossible! Have you ever heard these words in your head when you think of an exciting career idea? You wouldn’t be alone in that experience.
There are many things that can get in the way of creating our dream career. Some of them are external, such as expectations and traditions of family and culture. Financial obligations and responsibilities, or even geographical location can also stop us. But the biggest obstacle to creating your dream career is the voice in your head.
How to Re-enter a Dream
Have you ever been having the best dream when your alarm went off? Suddenly you were awakened from that dream before you got to the most important part. Maybe there was someone who was about to give you some important information…. Or you were about to get some much needed guidance… Well… you get the idea.
This week I want to explain a more advanced technique that can help you get clarity about your dreams. This technique is called “Dream Re-entry”. This tool is perfect for dreams that got interrupted.
The Best Guide to Your Dream Career: Your Dreams
Could your dreams hold the secret to your dream career? I would say yes!
Have you been struggling with your current career, but are not sure what direction you would go next? Maybe you have a clear idea of what you want to do, but you’re not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Have you been juggling several ideas and they all seem appealing in some way and it’s hard to narrow down your choices? Well, I have a solution that could help.
Go to sleep. Every night you have access to a deeper, more knowledgeable and wiser part of yourself.
Your Past Doesn’t Have to Be Your Future
Is the voice in your head telling you that your dreams are impossible? Is it saying things like “Well you’ve never been successful at that before” or some version of this statement. The voice in your head usually steers you away from things that it thinks will bring you pain. It wants to move you to a safer place. Unfortunately, when we dream a bigger, more creative dream, our left brain stops us. That voice in our head usually has many reasons why we shouldn’t go in that direction.
Don’t despair. There is a part of your brain designed to do just that. It’s called the left brain.
Feeling Stuck is a Choice
Are you feeling stuck in life or your current career? Do you often seek the company of those who will listen to your complaints and even agree with them? I’m going to propose an idea that might turn things around for you.
Feeling stuck is a choice. You might have many reasons why your current circumstances cannot change. But I’m going to share some ideas that might shift your thoughts on this.
Dancing With the Unknown
What does it mean to dance with the unknown? To me it’s like going on a road trip with no plans. Or moving to a new city not knowing anyone, but knowing that’s where you are supposed to be. It’s taking a leap of faith, and knowing that it is the perfect thing to do.
Why the Career of Your Dreams Won’t Find You
Some people seem to know what their career will be at an early age. For others there is the belief “I’ll know it when I see it”, and along the way, they do in fact, find that dream career. But for many it’s not that easy.
Hate your job? Let’s Visualize the Career of Your Dreams
If you type “I hate…” into Google, one of the top suggestions is “my job”.
Is true for you? If so, you already have access to one of the most powerful tools that you can use to create the career of your dreams.
Your imagination!
Six Questions to Launch Your Dream Career
You’re ready for the career of your dreams. But how do you get there from your current position? The best thing you can do when beginning to plan your next career move is to do an assessment of your current career.
Making Time Your Ally
How can you make time your ally? Your thoughts and beliefs about time can either help you or hinder you when making a huge career change.
How to Break a Dream Drought
Some people say they never dream. Others know they are dreaming, but those dreams are elusive and ephemeral. They disappear before we can grasp an image. This lack of dreams can feel like a drought. Our souls are thirsty and there is seemingly nothing to drink.
Thriving Through Transition
There is a lot of similarity between riding a roller coaster in the dark, and navigating our world these days. Many have found their lives irrevocably altered, and as they strive to reinvent themselves and rebuild their lives, they find it’s much like riding a roller coaster in the dark.