The Best Guide to Your Dream Career: Your Dreams
Could your dreams hold the secret to your dream career? I would say yes!
Have you been struggling with your current career, but are not sure what direction you would go next? Maybe you have a clear idea of what you want to do, but you’re not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Have you been juggling several ideas and they all seem appealing in some way and it’s hard to narrow down your choices? Well, I have a solution that could help.
Go to sleep. Every night you have access to a deeper, more knowledgeable and wiser part of yourself. You could call it your intuition, your higher self or your soul. Whatever you call it, your night dreams can be a wonderful source of guidance.
I have been teaching people a method of accessing deeper levels of meaning from their dreams, for over ten years. Active Dreaming is a way of looking at dreams that is more akin to how indigenous cultures embrace the wisdom of dreams. In our western cultures, we tend to analyze, categorize and dissect dreams. It seems to drain all the life and mystery out of them. Active Dreaming brings the mystery back into your dreams. It and gives you access to a world of insight, guidance, healing and more.
First, I will say that everyone dreams. You might not remember your dreams, but in fact you are dreaming every night. If you don’t remember dreams, I recommend reading one of my previous blogs, How to Break a Dream Drought. This blog will give you some ideas of how to cultivate your dreams again. Then you can reap the rich benefit of their guidance.
But let’s say you do remember your dreams and would like to access the deeper messages of your dreams. Here are a few suggestions.
1) Keep a dream journal - Keep a journal by your bedside that is specifically for your dreams. This will help you cultivate your dreams in a few ways. First it will sharpen your ability to remember your dreams if you write them down upon awakening. Your dreams will feel nurtured by your attention and they will be more apt to linger in your consciousness a little longer each morning. Second, you will have a record of all your dreams. You can look back, get reminded of guidance, and see which of your dreams were predicting the future.
2) Share your dreams with others – Share your dreams with people that you are close to. Having a dream buddy can help you gain more insight into your dreams. Another set of ears can give you a different way of looking at your dream that you hadn’t thought of. Choose your dream buddy carefully. Make sure this person has respect for your dreams and will value the sharing as well.
3) Ask your dreams for guidance - Let’s say you are unhappy in your career but unsure of which direction to go. Here’s is where dreams can become a cherished guide. Specifically ask your dreams for guidance before you go to sleep. You can write your question down on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow. Anticipate that you will get an answer to your question in the night. If your answer doesn’t come in the first night, don’t despair. Keep asking for the next few nights until you get an answer.
With these few simple techniques, you can begin to use your dreams for guidance that can take you to that new, cherished career.
Now if you have ever wanted to know more about a dream that ended too soon or got interrupted, stay tune for next week’s blog. I will be sharing a technique called dream re-entry. You won’t want to miss that one.
Are you ready for your dream career? Request my free guide, “Six Stepping Stones to the Career of Your Dream” by clicking here.
Let me know how your dream adventures go. In the meantime, Happy Dreaming.