How to Re-enter a Dream
Have you ever been having the best dream when your alarm went off? Suddenly you were awakened from that dream before you got to the most important part. Maybe there was someone who was about to give you some important information…. Or you were about to get some much needed guidance… Well… you get the idea.
In my last blog I introduced some ideas on how to begin to get guidance from your dreams. If you haven’t read that blog yet, I would recommend reading it as it will expand on the tools you have available with your dreams.
This week I want to explain another technique that can help you get clarity about your dreams. This technique is called “Dream Re-entry”. This tool is perfect for dreams that got interrupted.
If you have ever had a dream interrupted you might have attempted to go back to sleep so you could continue that dream, or even try to dream that dream again. Have you tried these techniques and failed? Then I want to teach you how you can go back into the dream when you want to gather more information from a dream.
Reenter a dream for clarification:
This technique is a little more advanced, but it can be quite helpful. For example, let’s say you had a dream where you were entering a building. You felt a great sense of excitement and anticipation. This was not the location of your current job, but you had a sense it was the place of your future career. You want to know more about it and what you were looking forward to in the dream.
To reenter a dream is to go back into the dream with an intention and an action. If possible, do this upon awakening if you have the time. If not, find 15-20 minutes where you can relax and undisturbed. If possible, play some relaxing music or shamanic drumming. Be clear on your intention and what your action will be. Lie down, relax, put the music on and begin to picture yourself in the location of the dream. Let it unfold in a natural way, keeping in mind your intention and the action you will take.
Be aware that your logical mind might be skeptical about this exercise. It will probably tell you that you are just making this up in your imagination. Don’t worry about that. Thank that part of your mind for its contribution and then continue. Even if it is
“just your imagination” it will still be valuable.
Let’s continue with the example above. You might want to set the intention to gather more information about this building and why you were excited about entering it. Do you recognize the building? You might want to go outside and see what it looks like. Go back inside and find out more about what happens there. Can you find a directory? Is there a name of a company that stands out to you? These are the kind of actions that you can take in a dream re-entry.
Have fun with this and allow yourself to relax and “go with the flow”. You might find yourself surprised by what is actually possible in a dream re-entry.
If you are ready for a career that is fulfilling and brings you joy, I invite you to take advantage of my free 60-minute phone consultation, where we explore what might be possible in your future career with coaching. You can schedule your call here.