As a certified Kolbe Consultant, and a Kolbe Youth Specialist I have tools that allow my clients to understand their natural strengths and how they instinctively take action.
We’ve all taken Intelligence tests, which measure the Cognitive or thinking part of the mind. We are also familiar with Personality tests which measure the Affective or feeling part of the mind. But the Kolbe Assessments are different. The Kolbe A Index and the Student Aptitude Quiz measure the Conative part of the mind. This is the part of the mind that deals with doing, how we instinctively take action when we are striving towards a goal.
Developed by Kathy Kolbe, the Kolbe A Index and the Student Aptitude Quiz have been used for decades to help individuals define their unique gifts and how they take action when left to do things in the way that feels most natural to them. Each individual’s assessment is the perfect expression of how they instinctively act when free to do things in their preferred way. The Kolbe A and the Student Aptitude Quiz measure and define your 4 out of 12 defined strengths. You results will look like the colorful image to the left. Each column represents a set of strengths and where you fall in that column is your unique results.
Equipped with this information the Kolbe career assessment suggests careers that align with your strengths and your interests, giving you over 1200 choices to explore and choose from.
It is both liberating and affirming to find out that how you have naturally been wanting to do things your whole life is in alignment with who you are and can be measured and defined.
If you are interested in finding out what your unique strengths are then please schedule a free 30-minute consultation call here.