Your Past Doesn’t Have to Be Your Future
Is the voice in your head telling you that your dreams are impossible? Is it saying things like “Well you’ve never been successful at that before” or some version of this statement. The voice in your head usually steers you away from things that it thinks will bring you pain. It wants to move you to a safer place. Unfortunately, when we dream a bigger, more creative dream, our left brain stops us. That voice in our head usually has many reasons why we shouldn’t go in that direction.
The result of this incessant internal chatter is that often our future ends up looking like our past. We have big dreams. We make plans and even take some steps in that direction. But the closer we get to being able to create that dream, the louder that internal voice gets. The result is that we often begin to think our dreams are impossible, and we give up before we get started.
Don’t despair. There is a part of your brain designed to do just that. It’s called the left brain.
We have two sides of our brain and each has different functions and properties. The right-brain is all about the present moment. It thinks in images. It takes in all the information about this moment through our five senses and our bodies.
The left brain is all about organizing and comparing information that it receives. It categorizes this information based on what we have learned and experienced in the past, and how that might play out in the future. It also acts like a protector. That little voice in your head comes from your left brain. The voice that says “You can’t do that.” is a left-brain phenomena. It’s usually this voice that is arguing against moving forward towards that dream. So we get stuck repeating our past instead of creating a new future.
But luckily, we have another half of our brain that is designed very differently. The right-brain is the creative center of our brain. It is also the part of our brain that is tuned into the present moment and our bodies. Our flashes of intuition come from our right brain and are often communicated to us through our body. Which is why people often say “I had a gut feeling about that” when they are referring to intuitive hunches.
The truth is we need both halves of our brain to function in this world. The practical left-brain assesses things and makes sure we get things done. The right brain allows us to dream, create and get intuitive insights. But our society rewards left brain thinking over right brain thinking, and we can get caught up in this as well. We listen too much to that internal voice and we squash our dreams. The end result is that we end up repeating the past. We believe that little voice in our heads that tells us that our dreams are impossible.
The good news is that awareness brings choice. Once we are aware we can become free from relying only on our left brain to make our life choices. We know our left brain is going to seek out information from our past and project it into our future. This allows us to consider that point of view. But we don’t have to make it the only part of our brain that we use to create our future.
We can also use our right brain. We can create, dream and use our intuition to design our future. What this means is that one failure in the past does not mean a failure in the future. You are now free to create a new future, that doesn’t have to repeat your past.
So, what have you been dreaming of? What has that voice in your head talked you out of? Now is the time to bring in the right brain and create a sense of balance. Expand the possibilities beyond just a left-brain view of your life.
If a new career has been part of your dream, but your left brain has talked you out of it, you might want to take advantage of my free 60-minute consultation call. We will explore what is possible if we use your left and right brain to create the career of your dreams. You can schedule your call by clicking here.