Dancing With the Unknown
What does it mean to dance with the unknown? To me it’s like going on a road trip with no plans. Or moving to a new city not knowing anyone, but knowing that’s where you are supposed to be. It’s taking a leap of faith, and knowing that it is the perfect thing to do.
We live in a world that glorifies and cultivates the left brain, logical thinking. We make plans, we follow an agenda, we schedule and work toward deadlines. The world rewards us for this kind of behavior.
But what about the right hemisphere of our brain? What about our innate ability as humans to tap into intuition and creativity? I used to do a lot of improvisational dance. It was a joy to be moving with the music. No plan, no choreography, no desired outcome. There was freedom in the creation that allowed me to be fully in the moment, because that’s all that there was. The joy came in creating in real time. It was an exercise of awareness, surrender and courage. There was a sense of happiness in knowing that whatever I did felt wonderful. It was more about the experience than the finished product. I’m sure some dances were better than others. But the real value of this experience was that it allowed me to learn how to feel into the moment and create at will. It taught me to have the courage to do so.
We can tap into that level of creativity and freedom when creating our life as well. When we think of making a change in our lives, we are moving into unknown territory. We are taking a leap of faith. It can feel terrifying, but we can also think of it as an improvisational dance.
Consider entertaining the idea of a change of career. You might go straight to left brain thinking and planning. But what if you also used your right brain in the inquiry? What would it be like to take some time and “dance with the unknown”? What might emerge if you allowed yourself to be aware of what you truly desired? Would you be willing to surrender to the idea that you might actually be able to have that dream career? Could you embody the courage to go in that direction?
The truth is both forms of thinking are necessary when making a career change. Logic and planning have a place in the process. But unfortunately, too many people jump to that step before allowing their right brain to have equal time. What might be possible if we allowed ourselves to dream, to dance, to improvise? What might happen if we begin the exploration without knowing the answers? That’s where the magic begins.
Are you considering a career change? Have you been planning and thinking? Maybe it’s time to allow your right brain equal time. Leave a comment below and tell me of a time in your life where you allowed yourself to “dance with the unknown”.
Give yourself permission to explore. If you would like a helpful resource, please request my free guide “Six Stepping Stones to the Career of Your Dreams” by clicking here. Have fun dancing!