Why the Career of Your Dreams Won’t Find You
Some people seem to know what their career will be at an early age. For others there is the belief “I’ll know it when I see it”, and along the way, they do in fact, find that dream career.
But for many it’s not that easy. There’s trial and error. There are false starts, abandoned ideas and changes of direction. It can be discouraging when this happens. It can feel as if you are failing. We wish it was easier and that our dream career would simply find us.
Once you let go of the idea that it should be easy and that your dream career will find you, then the real fun can begin.
I believe we each have a purpose for why we are here. We come to this earth to learn, grow and expand. The learning you accumulate on the way to your dream career is exactly what you need to find that career. You wouldn’t have discovered the career that is perfect for you without all the challenges. All that knowledge and experience has made you stronger and more confident.
If your dream career were to simply drop into your lap in a simple and easy way, you would not be the person you are today. It takes intention, determination and courage to create your dream career. All the steps along the way are to be celebrated.
Your dream career won’t find you, but you can find it. Simply keep going in the direction of what brings you joy, piques your curiosity and what you desire. That intention and the actions you take will bring you to where you are wanting to go, and give you gifts along the way.
If you are finding yourself on the part of the journey where the challenges seem never to end, then you might want to consider getting a copy of my free guide, “Six Stepping Stones to the Career of Your Dreams.” With this guide you will receive a series of six videos that explains each step in depth. If you are ready to up-level your journey to your dream career, please consider letting me assist you. You can get your free career guide by clicking here.