Hate your job? Let’s Visualize the Career of Your Dreams

If you type “I hate…” into Google, one of the top suggestions is “my job”.

Is true for you? If so, you already have access to one of the most powerful tools that you can use to create the career of your dreams.

Your imagination!

You might be thinking: How can using my imagination make a difference? When I was in school, they kept telling me to stop day dreaming. I need a change right now. The truth is there is so much power in your imagination.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Thoughts are things.” It’s the first three words of the classic book by Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”. In his book, Hill tells story after story of individuals who started out with an idea and made it a reality. How?  They cultivated the idea with their imagination and visual images. It's called visualization.

 I’m going to give you the Cliff Notes of visualization here.  In a few simple steps, here is how you can visualize the career of your dreams.

 1)    Create a movie in your mind about what you desire.  Close your eyes and using your imagination, create a mini-movie in your mind of what you desire.  If you can’t see pictures in your mind’s eye, use your other senses to help call your desire to mind.

 2)    Be as detailed as you can. The more detailed you can get the better.  See yourself doing the daily tasks that your dream career involves.  You might want to imagine what an ideal day would be like.  See, sense, hear or feel as many of the little details as you can.

 3)    Involve your senses. What would it look like to have this career? Imagine yourself going through the motions.  Are there any aromas associated with your dream career?  Let’s say you want to be a baker. Imagine what it would smell like to be in your bakery creating amazing cakes and pastries?  Fill your nostrils with that amazing aroma. What if you want to be a fashion designer?  Imagine what would it feel like to be handling beautiful fabrics.  How would it feel to be drawing your own unique designs?  You want to be using as many senses in your visualization as you can. 

 4)    Do it with feeling. This is one of the most important steps.  Involve your emotions. How will you feel when you are in the career of your dreams? Using your emotions will ramp up the power of y our visualizations 100 x’s.

 5)    Imagine it happening now.  When you are visualizing it is important to see yourself with this career in the present moment. See it happening now. Make it a reality in your imagination NOW, not at some unknown future date.

 The key is repetition and belief. Take five minutes each day and create the career of your dreams in your imagination. The more it becomes a reality in your imagination the more the universe will begin to respond.  It might be in small ways at first; coincidences, opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere. It is important to acknowledge these small nods from the Universe by taking action.  Follow-up with that lead; take that chance; research that strange idea that came to you. All these small steps will eventually create something magical. It’s time well spent, and you have nothing to lose.

 Do you hate your current job, but don’t know what the career of your dreams could be? I offer a free 60-minute consultation call to explore how career coaching with me can help you. We’ll explore what your dream career could be, and start you on the journey to creating it.  To schedule your free call click here.


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